Using Google Maps to Measure Lawn Size

We’ll show you how to use Google Maps for measuring lawn size step by step.

Learn how to take lawn measurements using Google Maps for any property.

5 Minutes 5 minutes

Open Google Maps

open google maps website mobile pc 1

Go to the Google Maps website on your computer. You can also use it on mobile. The process is the same.

Find Your Lawn

enter address maps measure lawn

Enter your address in the search bar and press Enter. This step might take a few tries if you’re not familiar with the area or if the satellite images are not clear.

Select satellite as the layer

select satellite layer

From the bottom left, click on layers and select satellite. This will help you see your property clearly.

Zoom in to see your property

zoom in to property

Zoom in until you can see your lawn. This might be tricky if your lawn is not a perfect rectangle or square, but try to choose a corner that gives you the most accurate measurement.

Right-click and select measure distance

right click select measure distance

Right-click on your property and select the “measure distance” option from the menu.

Place markers along the property

point markers along lawn boundary

Click on each corner of your lawn to mark the area. Google Maps will create lines between each point, creating a shape. This step requires precision. Make sure to click on the exact corners of your lawn.

End the marker to where you started

mark until starting point lawn

Click on the first point you made to complete the shape. Google Maps will automatically calculate the area within the shape. This is where the magic happens. Google Maps does all the calculations for you.

Note the area and distance from the widget

get area distance from widget

The measurement of the area will appear in the box at the bottom of the screen. This is the size of your lawn. Make sure to note this down or take a screenshot for future reference.

Drag points on the map to re-adjust

drag points to recalculate area

If you need to make adjustments to the shape you’ve drawn, you can simply click and drag the points to the correct locations.
This is particularly handy if your lawn has an irregular shape or if you didn’t get the points exactly right the first time.
Once you’re satisfied with the shape, Google Maps will automatically update the area calculation.


  • None


  • Google Maps

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