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MapleScapes is a site that provides valuable information and resources for landscaping professionals and homeowners in Canada.

Landscaping Rocks – Types and Designs

Pebble mosaic

Landscaping rocks are a versatile and attractive way to enhance your outdoor spaces. They add texture, color, and dimension to gardens, pathways, and other areas. You can easily create a beautiful and functional outdoor environment with the help of different…

Landscaping Grants for starting a business

Amber grants

Starting a landscaping business can be a fulfilling endeavor that combines creativity with a love for nature. However, it can also require a significant financial investment. The good news is that there are many landscaping grants out there designed to…

Landscaping Scholarships for Learning the Trades

Gca landscaping grant

Are you interested in landscaping and creating beautiful gardens? Wanna make a successful career in Landscaping? It’s not that tough now. You can learn and start your business with landscaping scholarships. You have various scholarship options to make landscaping your…

Tall Fescue: All you need to know

Tall fescue grass patch closeup

Tall fescue is a cool season grass that was introduced in the US and Canada in the 1800s. This grass type grows in bunches and forms a tight sod and grows well in humid and temperate regions. Tell fescue is…

Kentucky Bluegrass: All you need to know

Kentucky bluegrass blades matthew nadel

Kentucky bluegrass is one of the most widely used cool-season grasses and is prevalent in lawns and play turfs in the northern two-thirds of the United States. The reason for its popularity is its ability to spread and recover quickly…

Women in Landscaping

Gertrude jekyll

Women have played a significant role in shaping the landscaping industry. They have often worked behind the scenes, made significant contributions both historically and in contemporary times and driven crucial changes. The landscaping industry has traditionally been a male-dominated field,…

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